AMERICA was founded on Christian Principles!

All donations are tax deductible

Baseball Hat

For a $30 donation!

Bumper Sticker

 FREE with any donation

Clothing Patch

For a $10 donation!

Fridge Magnets

 FREE with any donation

Lapel Pins

For a $20 donation!

Necklace Pendant

 For a $25-$35 donation

3″ Window Sticker

For a $5 donation!

4″ Window Sticker

For a $5 donation!

4″ “One Nation Under God” Sticker

For a $5 donation!

Earring Set

For a $30 donation!

100% of Donations goes towards initial cost of forming this Non-Profit organization/Charity: attorney and governmental fees, development and maintenance of web-site, initial product production, and other "startup" costs. ZERO % is going towards any administrative costs.  There are none.  Founders have provided all "startup" costs, and just want to recoup their money, (around 10K) (itemized details in FYI section, Item 6). 

Once initial investment is recovered, we intend to expand the product line to whatever you, the Christian Patriots, ask for.  The hats and T-shirts we have were asked for by you viewers.  Please let us know what else you would like to see us provide.

We believe decals for cars and windows would be a good product, and if and when we receive enough donations we will order those as well. 

At NO TIME in this endeavor will we take any funds for administrative costs for us.  It is our way of giving back to our God and our Country.  We may be the only Non-Profit and/or Charity organization in the World with NO administrative fees at this time.


WHAT:   A non-profit/charity.       No admin fees.

WHO:  God and Country, Inc.

WHERE:  America only.

WHEN:  One time only, monthly, annually.  Your choice.

WHY:   To spread the word that America is a Christian Nation.

              Not by law, but by spirit, as told to us by our Founding Fathers.  Keep that Spirit alive.

 HOW:  Check, Credit Card, PayPal


It will be donated to the right protestant organization..

Hopefully it will be a Christian University, Christian Organization, or some entity that has a very good reputation in the Christian/Country arena and will be around for decades ahead. Patriot values are also important.

The founder, and sole person responsible for the Domain's content/operation is now over 80 years old and no longer able to do the work that needs to be done. Besides, it's not always good to have just one person in charge of content etc.

Only truly devoted Patriots and practicing Christians need apply. Just email or use the website.

Only organizations/institutions will be considered. The domain failed to accomplish its stated mission. Hence, I'm firing myself and trying to find a way to perpetuate the mission of "God and Country".
I will not make an autocratic decision. Close associates will be consulted.

God Bless,